Source code for beanstalkc

#!/usr/bin/env python
"""beanstalkc - A beanstalkd Client Library for Python"""

__license__ = '''
Copyright (C) 2008-2011 Andreas Bolka

Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License");
you may not use this file except in compliance with the License.
You may obtain a copy of the License at

Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS,
See the License for the specific language governing permissions and
limitations under the License.

__version__ = '0.2.0'

import logging
import socket

DEFAULT_HOST = 'localhost'

[docs]class BeanstalkcException(Exception): pass
[docs]class UnexpectedResponse(BeanstalkcException): pass
[docs]class CommandFailed(BeanstalkcException): pass
[docs]class DeadlineSoon(BeanstalkcException): pass
[docs]class SocketError(BeanstalkcException): @staticmethod def wrap(fn, *args, **kwargs): try: return fn(*args, **kwargs) except socket.error, e: raise SocketError(e)
[docs]class Connection(object): def __init__(self, host=DEFAULT_HOST, port=DEFAULT_PORT, parse_yaml=True, connect_timeout=socket.getdefaulttimeout()): if parse_yaml is True: try: parse_yaml = __import__('yaml').load except ImportError: logging.error('Failed to load PyYAML, will not parse YAML') parse_yaml = False self._connect_timeout= connect_timeout self._parse_yaml = parse_yaml or (lambda x: x) = host self.port = port self.connect()
[docs] def connect(self): """Connect to beanstalkd server.""" self._socket = socket.socket(socket.AF_INET, socket.SOCK_STREAM) self._socket.settimeout(self._connect_timeout) SocketError.wrap(self._socket.connect, (, self.port)) self._socket.settimeout(None) self._socket_file = self._socket.makefile('rb')
[docs] def close(self): """Close connection to server.""" try: self._socket.sendall('quit\r\n') self._socket.close() except socket.error: pass
def _interact(self, command, expected_ok, expected_err=[]): SocketError.wrap(self._socket.sendall, command) status, results = self._read_response() if status in expected_ok: return results elif status in expected_err: raise CommandFailed(command.split()[0], status, results) else: raise UnexpectedResponse(command.split()[0], status, results) def _read_response(self): line = SocketError.wrap(self._socket_file.readline) if not line: raise SocketError() response = line.split() return response[0], response[1:] def _read_body(self, size): body = SocketError.wrap(, size) SocketError.wrap(, 2) # trailing crlf if size > 0 and not body: raise SocketError() return body def _interact_value(self, command, expected_ok, expected_err=[]): return self._interact(command, expected_ok, expected_err)[0] def _interact_job(self, command, expected_ok, expected_err, reserved=True): jid, size = self._interact(command, expected_ok, expected_err) body = self._read_body(int(size)) return Job(self, int(jid), body, reserved) def _interact_yaml(self, command, expected_ok, expected_err=[]): size, = self._interact(command, expected_ok, expected_err) body = self._read_body(int(size)) return self._parse_yaml(body) def _interact_peek(self, command): try: return self._interact_job(command, ['FOUND'], ['NOT_FOUND'], False) except CommandFailed, (_, status, results): return None # -- public interface --
[docs] def put(self, body, priority=DEFAULT_PRIORITY, delay=0, ttr=DEFAULT_TTR): """Put a job into the current tube. Returns job id.""" assert isinstance(body, str), 'Job body must be a str instance' jid = self._interact_value( 'put %d %d %d %d\r\n%s\r\n' % (priority, delay, ttr, len(body), body), ['INSERTED', 'BURIED'], ['JOB_TOO_BIG']) return int(jid)
[docs] def reserve(self, timeout=None): """Reserve a job from one of the watched tubes, with optional timeout in seconds. Returns a Job object, or None if the request times out.""" if timeout is not None: command = 'reserve-with-timeout %d\r\n' % timeout else: command = 'reserve\r\n' try: return self._interact_job(command, ['RESERVED'], ['DEADLINE_SOON', 'TIMED_OUT']) except CommandFailed, (_, status, results): if status == 'TIMED_OUT': return None elif status == 'DEADLINE_SOON': raise DeadlineSoon(results)
[docs] def kick(self, bound=1): """Kick at most bound jobs into the ready queue.""" return int(self._interact_value('kick %d\r\n' % bound, ['KICKED']))
[docs] def peek(self, jid): """Peek at a job. Returns a Job, or None.""" return self._interact_peek('peek %d\r\n' % jid)
[docs] def peek_ready(self): """Peek at next ready job. Returns a Job, or None.""" return self._interact_peek('peek-ready\r\n')
[docs] def peek_delayed(self): """Peek at next delayed job. Returns a Job, or None.""" return self._interact_peek('peek-delayed\r\n')
[docs] def peek_buried(self): """Peek at next buried job. Returns a Job, or None.""" return self._interact_peek('peek-buried\r\n')
[docs] def tubes(self): """Return a list of all existing tubes.""" return self._interact_yaml('list-tubes\r\n', ['OK'])
[docs] def using(self): """Return a list of all tubes currently being used.""" return self._interact_value('list-tube-used\r\n', ['USING'])
[docs] def use(self, name): """Use a given tube.""" return self._interact_value('use %s\r\n' % name, ['USING'])
[docs] def watching(self): """Return a list of all tubes being watched.""" return self._interact_yaml('list-tubes-watched\r\n', ['OK'])
[docs] def watch(self, name): """Watch a given tube.""" return int(self._interact_value('watch %s\r\n' % name, ['WATCHING']))
[docs] def ignore(self, name): """Stop watching a given tube.""" try: return int(self._interact_value('ignore %s\r\n' % name, ['WATCHING'], ['NOT_IGNORED'])) except CommandFailed: return 1
[docs] def stats(self): """Return a dict of beanstalkd statistics.""" return self._interact_yaml('stats\r\n', ['OK'])
[docs] def stats_tube(self, name): """Return a dict of stats about a given tube.""" return self._interact_yaml('stats-tube %s\r\n' % name, ['OK'], ['NOT_FOUND'])
[docs] def pause_tube(self, name, delay): """Pause a tube for a given delay time, in seconds.""" self._interact('pause-tube %s %d\r\n' %(name, delay), ['PAUSED'], ['NOT_FOUND'])
# -- job interactors --
[docs] def delete(self, jid): """Delete a job, by job id.""" self._interact('delete %d\r\n' % jid, ['DELETED'], ['NOT_FOUND'])
[docs] def release(self, jid, priority=DEFAULT_PRIORITY, delay=0): """Release a reserved job back into the ready queue.""" self._interact('release %d %d %d\r\n' % (jid, priority, delay), ['RELEASED', 'BURIED'], ['NOT_FOUND'])
[docs] def bury(self, jid, priority=DEFAULT_PRIORITY): """Bury a job, by job id.""" self._interact('bury %d %d\r\n' % (jid, priority), ['BURIED'], ['NOT_FOUND'])
[docs] def touch(self, jid): """Touch a job, by job id, requesting more time to work on a reserved job before it expires.""" self._interact('touch %d\r\n' % jid, ['TOUCHED'], ['NOT_FOUND'])
[docs] def stats_job(self, jid): """Return a dict of stats about a job, by job id.""" return self._interact_yaml('stats-job %d\r\n' % jid, ['OK'], ['NOT_FOUND'])
[docs]class Job(object): def __init__(self, conn, jid, body, reserved=True): self.conn = conn self.jid = jid self.body = body self.reserved = reserved def _priority(self): stats = self.stats() if isinstance(stats, dict): return stats['pri'] return DEFAULT_PRIORITY # -- public interface --
[docs] def delete(self): """Delete this job.""" self.conn.delete(self.jid) self.reserved = False
[docs] def release(self, priority=None, delay=0): """Release this job back into the ready queue.""" if self.reserved: self.conn.release(self.jid, priority or self._priority(), delay) self.reserved = False
[docs] def bury(self, priority=None): """Bury this job.""" if self.reserved: self.conn.bury(self.jid, priority or self._priority()) self.reserved = False
[docs] def touch(self): """Touch this reserved job, requesting more time to work on it before it expires.""" if self.reserved: self.conn.touch(self.jid)
[docs] def stats(self): """Return a dict of stats about this job.""" return self.conn.stats_job(self.jid)
if __name__ == '__main__': import doctest, os, signal try: pid = os.spawnlp(os.P_NOWAIT, 'beanstalkd', 'beanstalkd', '-l', '', '-p', '14711') doctest.testfile('doc/tutorial.rst', optionflags=doctest.ELLIPSIS) doctest.testfile('test/no-yaml.doctest', optionflags=doctest.ELLIPSIS) finally: os.kill(pid, signal.SIGTERM)